The Li'l Depressed Boy, The Little Depressed Boy, The Lil Depressed Boy

The Li'l Depressed Boy -- "Guest Fortnight: You Don't Even Know Me" -- January 25, 2010, 12:02 AM
The Li'l Depressed Boy -- "Guest Fortnight: By Leo Burke"

I'll be honest with you guys. I don't know Leo Burke well enough to make fun of him in this bio. If I knew him better, I'd say mean despicable things that would make you laugh. He might have had to make fun of me in return. However, I don't know him that well. He is cool, though. He got me into papercraft when he linked a site with cool templates on it. He wrote and drew todays strip. He likes things. He does stuff. He has a Deviant Art page, you can check it out here:

Thanks, Leo!

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