The Li'l Depressed Boy, The Little Depressed Boy, The Lil Depressed Boy

The Li'l Depressed Boy -- "Guest Fortnight: If You Like Saxophones" -- January 20, 2010, 12:02 AM
The Li'l Depressed Boy -- "Guest Fortnight: By Kat Cahill and Chris Fenoglio"

Today's strip is written by Kat Cahill. Kat wrote I Hate Gallant Girl for Image/Shadowline. Kat and I also met through messageboards, and later she was subjected to being my con-best friend. She came out alive, surprisingly. She is a musician and is in a band, unfortunatley as I'm typing this I have no clue what the band is called. This is where we learn that Struble is a bad friend who will never remember the name of your band. Seriously, what a jerk. Anyway, you should pick up the I Hate Gallant Girl trade paperback from Amazon. You can find it here.

On drawing chores... you know him... you love him... It's the Chris Fenoglio. In fact, I'm starting a petition that from now on his name has "the" in front of it. It makes him more awesome. I met Fenoglio not from a messageboard, but rather from an e-mail list! The Chris is pretty cool. He's also a musician, but doesn't have a band name for me to forget. He likes to kick. He watches UFC. I promise he doesn't wear anything from Tap Out. He has drawn the second highest number of LDB strips, just behind Sina. He has a blog where he posts all kinds of cool things. Check it out:

Thanks you two. You are awesome.

(and to connect things a bit: Kat's comic I Hate Gallant Girl was colored by our friend Kanila Tripp -- who has drawn one of our strips! And the mailing list that I met Fenoglio on was for fans of Sam Kieth -- who has also drawn a Li'l Depresed Boy strip! It's all one big happy family, folks)

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