The Li'l Depressed Boy, The Little Depressed Boy, The Lil Depressed Boy

The Li'l Depressed Boy -- "Blocked" -- October 10, 2008, 1:00 AM
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Hey guys, a couple of quick announcements concerning the site.

You may have noticed a new logo added to the image at the top of the page. That's because I recently struck a deal with Image's Shadowline and now the Li'l Depressed Boy has a second home on the Internet. You can find this home at SHADOWLINE WEBCOMICS! They have a nifty little comic reader that let's you zoom in on pages and view thumbnails. It's a fun way to read a strip. Also my Shadowline webcomic neighbors are fantastic and well worth the read.

One of the cool perks of the deal is that it comes with a messageboard to talk about the comic. You can find the messageboard by going to THE LI'L DEPRESSED BOY FORUM -- feel free to stop in and let us know what you think of the strip or just to say hi.

Also, I was on a recent episode of Fanboy Radio with our friends Jim Mahfood and Justin Stewart. You can listen to the episode by clicking here! I come in about 20 minutes into the recording.

Most importantly, we have some great strips coming up. I can't wait to share them with you.

-- Sh.

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